In my seminars on intercultural sensitivity, I always look forward to a small but very effective exercise. I invite the participants to think about their grandparents when they were as old as they are today. In other words, the good old days when the internet was still uncharted territory and social media was something you only dreamed of in science fiction films.
In three-way discussions, the participants immerse themselves in this time and gather information about the values that were popular back then, which practices and customs were important, how their grandparents coped with everyday life and how they interpreted cooperation. This very quickly makes it clear in how many areas society is changing and how much change they themselves have already experienced and how they have adapted almost playfully.
And how do companies and organisations react to the constantly changing ideas, attitudes, and patterns of their employees? How do they adapt to changing environments and situations? Do they orientate themselves exclusively towards tax optimisation or market dynamics? Are they sticking to ‘we’ve always done it this way’, perhaps with a bit of glamour thrown in? The many discussions about ‘New Work’ are often just scratching the surface, but the underlying attitudes and beliefs are still the same as they were in their grandparents’ day.
A reallocation of leadership, responsibility and participative cooperation are steps towards “next level organisations”. Imagine if overburdened managers were given new room for manoeuvre. They could spend more time on things that they actually enjoy and are good at. Employees could recognise their development opportunities and learn that taking on responsibility doesn’t just mean additional overtime. It would be a gradual experimentation with leadership tasks. Collaboration could thus be experienced as real, joint work. Achieving impact together and celebrating successes together should not just be a dream, but an everyday reality.
What do you think? How can this work? I look forward to hearing your ideas!