Work­shops & Sem­i­nars

Knowl­edge is mul­ti­plied when shared. In our work­shop sem­i­nars we inter­weave expe­ri­en­tial knowl­edge with new insights and inno­v­a­tive meth­ods.

We love to con­nect expe­ri­ences, com­bine knowl­edge and rethink togeth­er. It’s not just the results, but above all the shared thought process that leads to new insights. This flow allows us to devel­op the right solu­tions in a pleas­ant envi­ron­ment.

Learn­ing and Unlearn­ing

Life chal­lenges us with a con­stant mix of learn­ing and unlearn­ing as if we were on a roller­coast­er of knowl­edge. Learn­ing on the job is undoubt­ed­ly an effec­tive way of expand­ing our knowl­edge. How­ev­er, every now and then it’s good to get off the spin­ning mer­ry-go-round and take some time to delve deep­er into a top­ic.

Time­out on a “learn­ing island”

Let’s leave every­day life behind us, get togeth­er with like-mind­ed per­sons on a “learn­ing island” and reduce dis­trac­tions and noise to a min­i­mum. Treat your­self to a lit­tle jour­ney of knowl­edge into the future – that will not only make you smarter but be fun too.

In our care­ful­ly select­ed work­shop sem­i­nars, we tack­le top­ics that are self-con­tained. Just like a well-writ­ten book in which every page builds on the next. We inter­weave proven prac­tices with the lat­est insights and inno­v­a­tive meth­ods.

Focus on action

It’s impor­tant to us that you start to apply what you have learnt dur­ing the work­shop (and not wait until after­wards). The­o­ret­i­cal insights flow seam­less­ly into imple­men­ta­tion so that you can con­fi­dent­ly and suc­cess­ful­ly take con­crete, action­able steps. In oth­er words, the first “fit for pur­pose” test will already take place in the work­shop.

Work­shops & Sem­i­nars


Con­vinc­ing through per­son­al­i­ty

You will receive feed­back on your impact on oth­ers and how you can utilise your strengths even bet­ter.


What does my hand­shake mean in your cul­ture?

The perks and per­ils of inter­cul­tur­al encoun­ters — how to suc­ceed in inter­na­tion­al col­lab­o­ra­tion.

Com­pa­ny-spe­cif­ic course for­mat

Col­lab­o­rais­ing Lead­er­ship

A devel­op­ment jour­ney to deep­er con­texts of lead­er­ship and col­lab­o­ra­tion.