Keynotes & Sto­ries

What tales could your water cool­er tell? From wake-up ques­tions to clear and con­cise images of the future

It’s nice to deliv­er a com­pelling pre­sen­ta­tion. It’s even bet­ter to pro­vide prac­ti­cal tools that help. We see our input as a wake-up call – always com­bined with con­crete ideas and answers on HOW to trans­late them into action.

Wake-up ques­tions — child­like curios­i­ty

So, do not be sur­prised if we ask you: Why is snow white? Ever heard of “deep-talk”? Or which 8,000-metre peaks have you climbed?

We believe that (child­like) curios­i­ty and light-heart­ed ques­tions are fun­da­men­tal. It is pre­cise­ly this curios­i­ty that we want to awak­en. That is why we reg­u­lar­ly change the per­spec­tive and chal­lenge seem­ing­ly self-evi­dent truths and famil­iar under­stand­ings – always with a cre­ative and con­struc­tive approach.

Yearn­ing for good sto­ries

If we can get you to think along with us; if our thoughts amuse and inter­est you and encour­age a crit­i­cal aware­ness, then we’re on track! Rest assured you will get a good sto­ry. It might be slight­ly weird, pos­si­bly provoca­tive but def­i­nite­ly stim­u­lat­ing.

“Deep-talk” stands for a com­bi­na­tion of small talk and deep dive. Most con­ver­sa­tions move for­wards slow­ly and stay at the sur­face lev­el. Our goal and dri­ve is to pro­vide the right input so that they pick up speed and make you want to dive in. Aha! moments allow you to explore exist­ing ideas and let new things grow.

Years of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence

We have not climbed any 8,000-metre peaks our­selves. But we are cer­tain that every ascent (be it up a moun­tain or a hill) starts with a first step. The same applies to new approach­es and projects in a com­pa­ny. We are prac­ti­tion­ers with years of prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence. We will show you how devel­op­ment goals are achieved, enable those first steps and put you on the suc­cess track.

Extract from our kalei­do­scope of top­ics
  • “Col­lab­o­rais­ing organ­i­sa­tions” – the hid­den secret of suc­cess
  • Trust – the real cur­ren­cy of busi­ness­es
  • Suc­ces­sion plan­ning – make or brake
  • Con­vinc­ing through per­son­al­i­ty – bet­ter under­stand­ing your­self and oth­ers
  • “What does my hand­shake mean in your cul­ture?” The perks and per­ils of inter­cul­tur­al encoun­ters
  • The pow­er of unique­ness

Let’s talk about some catchy wake-up ques­tions for your next event.