Ruth Bolter

What drives me
- Supportive collaboration with a focus on potential
- Exploring different models of living and experiencing diversity
- Integrating new insights into existing concepts and enhancing them
- The vibrant dynamic of a workshop or seminar when participants are fully engaged
- Sustainable solutions that combine aspects of business, society, the environment and collective energies
What has shaped me
- Even at a young age, I was able to explore things and became, among other things, an early adopter of IT tools and a trainer in the company even though I was employed in the finance department.
- Juggling a part-time job, a family with two children and studies
- Taking on responsibility as the managing director of a non-profit organisation and building bridges between professions
- Commuting between head office and subsidiaries around the globe and experiencing all the cultural differences
What I am grateful for
- Living in a multi-family home with four generations of women empowered me and showed me a diversity of lifestyles every day.
- Education and learning didn’t happen in a linear way for me. As a 40-year-old, it was enriching to be back at university, learning with young students.
- Team development in China is definitely different to that in Australia. My international work has inspired me for years.
What I particularly enjoy
- Whether winter or summer, I love the mountains where I can sort out my thoughts, brainstorm new ideas or simply switch off.
- Embarking on journeys of discovery: Whether encounters with gorillas in Uganda, indigenous people in Papua New Guinea, Andean people in Ecuador, the Inuit in Greenland or with our friends in the garden of our house on Waiheke in New Zealand
- Our laid-back, large family gatherings, where everyone is bubbling over with stories and keen to share experiences
Lines of poetry that inspire me
- “I live my life in widening circles that reach out across the world. …” Rainer Maria Rilke
- “A magic dwells in each beginning, protecting us, telling us how to live.” Hermann Hesse
- “O, world, oh, beautiful world, I can hardly see you for all the flowers!” Joseph von Eichendorff
- …till 1984
- Basic educations, Austria
- 1985–1987
- Creditanstalt Bankverein
Hard, Austria - 1986–1992
- Advanced Studies
Business Administration, Marketing,
Austria, Switzerland
Gebrüder Wolff GmbH
Marketing — Hard, Austria - 1992–1996
- Family time out
- 1996–2007
- Organisational- and systemic constellations
Dr. Gunthard Weber, Siegfried Essen, Germany, Austria
Advanced Studies
Personal- and Organisational Development, Innsbruck, Austria
Austrian Cancer League Vorarlberg
Managing Director — Hohenems, Austria
Master Studies
Business Administration, Innsbruck, Austria - 2008–2012
- University Innsbruck
Lecturer for Intercultural communication and conflicts - 2007–2023
- Blum International Consulting Inc.
International organisational development
International Senior Business Consultant — Höchst, Austria - since 2023
- PerSens AG
Member of executive board
International Senior Business Consultant — Heiden, Switzerland