Spar­ring dia­logues

You know it’s been a good spar­ring ses­sion when you come away feel­ing inspired and ready for action.

It’s not an illu­sion and will work if we meet on an equal foot­ing and see your ques­tion as a shared chal­lenge. In a real dia­logue, one thought fol­lows the next and the con­ver­sa­tion picks up momen­tum.

With­out pres­sure and a clear head

Our role is diverse. We are out­lets, mir­rors, pilots, surfers, traf­fic lights and jesters in one.

As an out­let, we try to take the pres­sure out of the sit­u­a­tion so that you can clear your head for the upcom­ing chal­lenge. After­wards, you should feel that time has flown by and you are free to get on with imple­men­ta­tion.

Break­ing pat­terns — solve block­ages

Some­times you need a mir­ror to sort out and cor­rect­ly assign respon­si­bil­i­ties. You don’t have to do every­thing your­self, imme­di­ate­ly and to per­fec­tion. Recog­nis­ing and break­ing through pat­terns with a new eye has a lib­er­at­ing effect. A heli­copter pilot will help you to change per­spec­tive and see the moun­tain of chal­lenges from dif­fer­ent angles. 

Every surfer wants to catch the wave at just the right moment and expe­ri­ence the thrill as they glide effort­less­ly over the water. With per­se­ver­ance, we will help you to pre­pare and posi­tion your­self accu­rate­ly so that you too can ride the crest of the wave.  

Traf­fic lights bring clar­i­ty. When is it time to stop and when is action called for? What rules need to be observed and where is it advis­able to look out for orange? And while we’re on the sub­ject of traf­fic: it’s impor­tant to avoid traf­fic jams and solve block­ages; to know when to refill the petrol tank and when you can real­ly speed ahead.

Have a dia­logue with the jester

And the jester? We care­ful­ly sound out how far we can go. Here and there we put on a new cos­tume and slip into a dif­fer­ent role. We trans­form real­i­ties into sto­ries and bring sto­ries back to real­i­ty. All this with­in the safe frame­work of a spar­ring set­ting so that you can test the sta­bil­i­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty of your solu­tion before you imple­ment it in real life.

Our spar­ring dia­logues and coach­ing ses­sions pro­vide qual­i­ty time for you. Thanks to our col­lab­o­ra­tion with over­seas cus­tomers, we have also spe­cialised in effi­cient online spar­ring units. Might this kind of approach be some­thing for you?

Exam­ples of spar­ring dia­logues
  • You have a new organ­i­sa­tion­al or lead­er­ship top­ic and are look­ing for a part­ner who has (imple­men­ta­tion) expe­ri­ence in this area.
  • You are look­ing for objec­tive, open and con­struc­tive feed­back on a top­ic that mat­ters to you.
  • The dead­line for the next project mile­stone is fast approach­ing and you are stuck. You need a good idea, the right ques­tions or method­i­cal help.
  • You’re prepar­ing for an impor­tant con­ver­sa­tion and are look­ing for an insight­ful yet chal­leng­ing inter­locu­tor to prac­tise with.