Mag­ic moments in organ­i­sa­tion­al devel­op­ment

OD processes are orientated towards new tasks, systems, processes and people - but only a few see the emotional process of employees as a decisive key factor.
You can find out how we deal with this and what the constellation ORION has to do with it.

VH Sales Team

OD-process or “Oh Dear” — process

Organ­i­sa­tion­al devel­op­ment process­es, or OD process­es for short, are often dif­fi­cult for those respon­si­ble and those involved and are there­fore often expe­ri­enced as “oh Dear” process­es.

This is obvi­ous, as it involves changes, new begin­nings, good­byes, uncer­tain­ties and many unan­swered ques­tions that are asso­ci­at­ed with fears about the future and the pain of change.

This can­not be com­plete­ly avoid­ed — but there are ways to min­imise these dif­fi­cult moments and hold tru­ly mag­i­cal and moti­vat­ing ses­sions in an anx­i­ety-free envi­ron­ment.

At Van Hoecke in Sint Niklaas, Bel­gium these OD process­es are called ORION (ORgan­isatie In ONtwik­kel­ing). Because this large sales process exam­ple involves sales, mar­ket­ing and inter­nal sales, we refer to it as the “umbrel­la project.” We sym­bol­i­cal­ly span all areas and the cus­tomer expe­ri­ence should be sig­nif­i­cant­ly improved through pro­fes­sion­al col­lab­o­ra­tion.

The fact that ORION is also a con­stel­la­tion that lies on the celes­tial equa­tor and is vis­i­ble from both the north­ern and south­ern hemi­spheres is fit­ting. We like this addi­tion­al mean­ing from Greek mythol­o­gy, in which the human imag­i­na­tion wants to recog­nise the image of a ‘sky hunter’.

‘Sky hunter feel­ings’ and mag­ic moments in the process

OD process­es are ori­en­tat­ed towards new tasks, sys­tems, process­es and peo­ple — but only a few see the emo­tion­al process of employ­ees as a deci­sive key fac­tor. Even less well known are pro­ce­dures that inte­grate all those affect­ed with­out always hav­ing to active­ly involve every­one. And even more sur­pris­ing — and to dis­pel anoth­er pre­con­cep­tion: the process does not have to be unnec­es­sar­i­ly pro­tract­ed or cum­ber­some.

Expe­ri­enced emo­tion­al high­lights in the Umbrel­la process:

  • Both man­agers and employ­ees talk open­ly about their wish­es for change and man­age to dis­cuss the pros and cons of dif­fer­ent devel­op­ment direc­tions togeth­er with the nec­es­sary ref­er­ence to real­i­ty.
  • The active­ly prac­tised trans­paren­cy is full of ener­gy, unites peo­ple, brings strengths to light, allows weak­ness­es to be recog­nised and brings clar­i­ty that notice­ably welds peo­ple togeth­er. This helps the indi­vid­ual and, above all, the com­pa­ny to progress sub­stan­tial­ly and has a sta­bil­is­ing effect at the same time.
  • It is fas­ci­nat­ing to see how bal­last falls away from each indi­vid­ual, expec­ta­tions nor­malise and those involved iden­ti­fy them­selves anew.
  • The “oh Dear” moan­ing is com­plete­ly gone; instead, there are live­ly dis­cus­sions about the nec­es­sary learn­ing and imple­men­ta­tion steps in day-to-day oper­a­tions.

We talk about mag­i­cal moments when we cre­ate the ground need­ed to devel­op and retain good peo­ple and the organ­i­sa­tion moves to the ‘next lev­el’.

And what is the mag­ic for­mu­la?

‘…every begin­ning has its mag­ic’ (Her­mann Hesse)

  • Reli­able infor­ma­tion is the sta­bil­is­ing mea­sure of trust in the process from start to fin­ish.
  • Vol­un­tary par­tic­i­pa­tion allows every­one involved to deter­mine the extent and degree of influ­ence on the devel­op­ment them­selves.
  • The clear frame­work of trust is estab­lished at both a fac­tu­al and per­son­al lev­el before the start and the rules of the game are known to every­one.
  • Con­sis­tent trans­paren­cy pro­vides ori­en­ta­tion at all times and assumes a co-deci­sive, steer­ing func­tion.

‘… what you plant now will har­vest lat­er (Og Mandi­no)

  • A real ener­gy boost in the form of a spir­it of opti­mism.
  • The all-impor­tant iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of those affect­ed with the steps towards change and thus the aware­ness of being part of the solu­tion.
  • The process is intense at all lev­els and pro­motes togeth­er­ness and team spir­it.
  • As the devel­op­ment options become appar­ent, the ini­tial uncer­tain­ty increas­ing­ly gives way to an open­ness to the new per­spec­tives.

The for­mu­la — com­mon sense in action

Infor­ma­tion x vol­un­tari­ness x frame­work of trust x trans­paren­cy = ener­gy x iden­ti­fi­ca­tion x togeth­er­ness x per­spec­tives

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Urs Bolter

As a “part-time co-pilot”, I help organisations to master the desired developments in a qualitative cooperation.. At times it feels like being a globe-trotting doctor, plumber, architect, diplomat or pedagogic entrepreneur with a sporty side.