

Goal: You will receive prac­ti­cal action options for your spe­cif­ic sit­u­a­tion

The top­ic sounds inter­est­ing and you would like to get con­cise input (be it for you per­son­al­ly or togeth­er with col­leagues) or let your­self be inspired by a keynote event. Either way, you will receive a short infor­ma­tive and stim­u­lat­ing sum­ma­ry com­bined with sev­er­al prac­ti­cal use cas­es.

This offer comes in two for­mats:

  • Presentation/keynote in pub­lic or in-house
  • One-to-one or small group con­ver­sa­tion, on site or online


Fur­ther offers

Con­vinc­ing through per­son­al­i­ty


You will learn the basics of how to deal with dif­fer­ent styles of behav­iour and be able to use your knowl­edge in dif­fer­ent sit­u­a­tions in a prac­ti­cal and authen­tic way.

Con­vinc­ing through per­son­al­i­ty

Per­son­al Coach­ing

You get a range of prac­tice-based actions to suit con­crete sit­u­a­tions based on your per­son­al­i­ty eval­u­a­tion.

Con­vinc­ing through per­son­al­i­ty

Team Devel­op­ment

You and your team use your tal­ents and strengths con­scious­ly and act as a strong cohe­sive unit.