Urs Bolter

What drives me
- “That won’t work for us” – triggers a spark of boldness within me and makes me want to explore new paths and ways
- Seeing my counterpart have an ‘aha’ moment and experiencing how potential is unleashed
- Winning people over and developing ideas together
- Positive work energy, a good mood or simply a smile
- Working together to find solutions in a respectful way and on an equal footing
What has shaped me
- The teaching profession has fascinated me since early childhood: For me, it means bringing together different people, different paths and cultural diversity.
- Exercise as a driving force: I get the best ideas, release blockages and get into the flow whenever I do sports in nature.
- My mother, who had a lot of confidence in me! It motivates me to turn a good idea into a successful realisation.
- I feel good when things fit together, the aesthetics are right and the whole thing is balanced. I like pictures to hang straight in our home.
- More than 30 years as a partner, father, consultant and managing director
What I am grateful for
- The ‘intercultural vagabond’ in me allowed me to discover the world at an early age.
- I call myself lucky: I’ve had many good teachers and mentors, met people who meant me well and let me go my own way.
- I’m glad about the connecting and life-enriching togetherness in our patchwork family.
- Being able to visualise, formulate and put things into context
- The fact that I’ve been able to balance family, work, studies and ‘me time’
What I particularly enjoy
- Water in all its forms: Ski touring, swimming or relaxing in a steam sauna
- Embarking on journeys of discovery: Whether encounters with gorillas in Uganda, indigenous people in Papua New Guinea, Andean people in Ecuador, the Inuit in Greenland or with friends in our garden on Waiheke Island in New Zealand
- Quality time and inspiring conversations over a good glass of wine
Quotes that inspire me
- „Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen” Winston Churchill
- “It always seems impossible until it’s done” Nelson Mandela
- “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” George Santayana
- …till 1986
- Basic educations
Switzerland, Germany - 1986–1988
- Teacher
Switzerland - 1988–1991
- International teaching experience
Switzerland, Australia, Fidschi
Rafting guide
Switzerland, France - 1991–1995
- KS Kaderschule St. Gallen
Switzerland – Educational Director
Postgraduate studies
Business Administration, Organisational development, HR - 1995–2001
- Tendis AG, PerSens AG
Switzerland —
International business consultant - since 2001
- Innovation & Leadership Inc.
Switzerland — Founder, Managing Director - 2004–2023
- Blum International Consulting Inc.
Austria — Managing Director
Julius Blum Inc.
Austria — Member of management circle
Julius Blum Inc.
Austria — Member of executive board - since 2023
- PerSens AG
Switzerland — Owner, Managing Director
International Senior Business Consultant