Otto Belz

What has shaped my life
- The great fortune of always being able to live and work the way I wanted to
- Parents, siblings, partners, children and friends who supported me unconditionally and were always there to help where needed
- A stroke of fate that prevented my mistakes and misbehaviour from ending up in disaster and instead turned them into something good
The story: How it all came about
- Wonderful teenage years with lots of relocations, transitions and changes
- A degree with the opportunity to try out everything that interested me alongside studying
- Bosses, employees and customers who taught me how things work
What fascinated me, and still does
- How to recognise the uniqueness of people, companies and institutions and help them to use their special qualities successfully
- Questions of perception: Why do we see the world as we do, how is it perceived by others and why?
- The rules and laws according to which things develop and change
Skills that have helped me
- Curiosity and the endeavour to understand new worlds and be able to grasp them in their contexts
- A feel for what moves others, what they feel and what they want
- The ability to shed light on problems in a team and develop solutions together, combined with the ability to express this in words
What I can never get enough of
- Conversations with others that give me new insights and, despite all the differences of opinion, give me the feeling of being understood
- Nature: Swimming in cold water, the mood of the lake in the morning, reading in the garden, walking the dog in woods and meadows that are new every day
- The feeling of elation when a new solution proves its worth or a text has turned out particularly well
Quotes that sometimes help me do the right thing
- “My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it’s on your plate.”
Thornton Wilder
- “The middle of the night marks the turning point of a new day.”
- “He felt the wind in the sails and the surging tide under the keel.”
Joseph Conrad