How a “cri­sis-diary” strength­ens cohe­sion …

Learning from the crisis and the power of adaptability - an insight into the challenges and solutions in the midst of the pandemic - and what we can take away from it for the "new normal."

Learn­ing from the cri­sis and the pow­er of adapt­abil­i­ty — an insight into the chal­lenges and solu­tions in the midst of the pan­dem­ic — and what we can take away from it for the “new nor­mal.”

This inter­view between Prof Dobusch and Urs Bolter pro­vides insights into the prac­tice of cri­sis man­age­ment. It shows learn­ing areas and approach­es that can pos­i­tive­ly change the time after the cri­sis.

When a glob­al play­er has to be man­aged overnight with dai­ly stand-up meet­ings, so to speak, and momen­tous deci­sions have to be made based on uncer­tain assump­tions. How a strong, peo­ple-ori­ent­ed cul­ture helps to keep the organ­i­sa­tion sta­ble, espe­cial­ly in over­whelm­ing sit­u­a­tions.

Cri­sis sit­u­a­tions clear­ly show how long-term invest­ments pay off, espe­cial­ly in main­tain­ing trust in uncer­tain times. Final­ly, a diary can help to keep the glob­al man­age­ment team togeth­er emo­tion­al­ly — and how this can trig­ger an unex­pect­ed­ly pos­i­tive snow­ball effect.

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Urs Bolter

As a “part-time co-pilot”, I help organisations to master the desired developments in a qualitative cooperation.. At times it feels like being a globe-trotting doctor, plumber, architect, diplomat or pedagogic entrepreneur with a sporty side.